Statistics for, Month of 2019-8-1 to 2019-8-31


Top 6 of 6 Operating Systems, Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Other 215 57.64 35,526 10.47 14 100.00
2 Mac OS X 125 33.51 297,884 87.75 0 0.00
3 Windows Codename Longhorn 14 3.75 2,688 0.79 0 0.00
4 Windows XP 9 2.41 1,613 0.48 0 0.00
5 Linux 5 1.34 914 0.27 0 0.00
6 Windows NT 5 1.34 845 0.25 0 0.00